The Latvian Traders Association (LTA) is main large scale professional NGO which protects, represents, helps and promotes its members in governmental institutions, in European institutions and in Latvian society as well. Moreover, the LTA is the only national and official representation body of Latvian traders. Established in 1912, it renewed its work in 1994 – after independence of Latvia was regained. Today more than 800 different trader companies are members of LTA, including such well known Scandinavian companies like Stockman and Prisma, or subsidiary companies like Fantasy Craft of Bjarne Hjelmtvedt. Membership of LTA allows keeping their high profile of traders as every year members are evaluated in different nominations – Best Trader of Latvia, Environmentally Friendly Trader, Prize of Honour and Good of the Year. More than 20 years of activities of Latvian Traders Association, the organisation has been an integral part of the dialogue with decision makers in Parliament and ministries. The voice of LTA has been influential in legislation process protecting interests of different traders in Latvia. As the most of traders companies, operating in Latvia, are members of LTA, their everyday life is unthinkable without their professional umbrella organisation. Membership of LTA allows to get acquainted with other retailers and therefore makes opportunity for everyone to build his own network suitable both for business and interest defence. As umbrella organisation LTA helps its members against Governmental institutions, in cases if their actions have gone beyond the powers. Also members always have been provided with any information they need or would have needed. For active members it is an opportunity to take part in processes and openly influence processes of legislation and decision-making, connected with any aspect of their business. The Latvian Traders Association is a democratic institution – agenda and decisions are made by elected Council of members. LTA always cares about how traders feel doing their business in Latvia. Members regularly receive statistical summaries, reviews and monthly LTA reports. Each member receives individual approach of communication, depending of they needs and preferences. The Latvian Traders Association helps to solve conflict situations and clarifies any doubtful question. Members can participate in every Council meeting of the Association and in meetings with Governmental institutions such as  State Revenue Service, Food and Veterinary Service, State Labour Inspectorate, Consumer Rights Protection Centre and State Language Centre – meetings with those institutions are held once a year. Every member is welcome to contact with LTA office in working hours: also everyone can feel free to contact with administration officials: